The Penguins of 3P have settled in nicely to the start of a new academic year. All were excited to see their friends and meet their new classmates and teachers. They have adapted well to the changes and have shown an “I Can” attitude. Thus, we subsequently adopted an “I Can Achieve” motto for our class where everything is possible with the right mindset.
On the Academic side, we have finished our pre-assessments with satisfactory results and have started holding lessons in Science, Topic, STEAM, Maths, English etc. In Maths, we looked at the language of Maths and found connections to English. Knowing the synonyms and antonyms of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division will help with their overall comprehension of mathematical questions and word problems. The integration of English and Topic proved to be a plus as it provides many valuable opportunities to acquire new vocabulary and read non-fiction-based texts. Additionally, Topic, English, Art and Maths were integrated in a Roman History timeline assignment (Sequencing and Order). Integrating subjects throughout the curriculum offers multiple opportunities to gain new vocabulary, make real connections and to revisit concepts in an authentic fashion.
The 3P Penguins are working earnestly in gaining new knowledge in a creative content-based learning environment.
We are 3P Penguins!