

School News May 13, 2022

Welcome back Kindergarten, what a great first week.

On Monday 18th April we welcomed our youngest children back to school and what a great first week our KG children have had.

We had happy and excited children, where they were greeted by their teachers and friends. It was wonderful to hear the classroom and corridors filled with laughter and happiness once again.  We have certainly missed the children being in school.

The children enjoyed their first day back and went home with lots of wonderful things to share with their family members. Throughout the week the children consolidated previous learning and we introduced the new topics of technology and superheroes across KG. We are looking forward to some themed day across KG.

On Friday we celebrated World Book Day where the children and staff were invited to come into school in their pajamas and to share their favourite stories.  All the children received a special World Book Day medal and certificate.  Throughout the day each class planned, and prepared activities based on a story of their choice, the children undertook many different arts and craft, creative writing, and role-play sessions. 

We are looking forward to another fulfilled days in KG.